By-Law 121 Prevention of Excessive Noise

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The City is looking for input on proposed By-Law 121 Prevention of Excessive Noise, A By-Law Respecting the Prevention of Excessive Noise in the City of Miramichi. A draft of this by-law can be found on the City of Miramichi website Do you agree with the proposed bylaw? Why or why not? Please provide us with your thoughts below.

The City is looking for input on proposed By-Law 121 Prevention of Excessive Noise, A By-Law Respecting the Prevention of Excessive Noise in the City of Miramichi. A draft of this by-law can be found on the City of Miramichi website Do you agree with the proposed bylaw? Why or why not? Please provide us with your thoughts below.

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  • feedback on proposed BY-LAW NO. 121

    over 2 years ago
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    Do you agree with the proposed bylaw? Why or why not? Please provide us with your thoughts.

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Page last updated: 08 Sep 2022, 11:36 AM