What is Active Transportation?

    Active Transportation (AT) can be defined as any form of human powered transportation, such as walking, cycling, running, wheeling, skiing, or paddling. All people, to some extent, engage in active transportation daily, and there are many ways to integrate it into everyday life. Active transportation has many benefits for individuals and for the broader collective, including improvements to health, the environment, the economy, and the community.

    What are the benefits of Active Transportation?

    There are numerous benefits of active transportation, for individuals, the

    community as a whole, and the entire municipality. These benefits include:

    • improvement to public health
    • greater sense of personal safety and security; 
    • increased efficiencies for transportation
    • mitigated environmental impacts of vehicular infrastructure; 
    • local and regional economic stimulus;
    • enhanced community development.

    What is included in the scope of this project?

    A few of the topics being considered in this study include:

    • Safety;

    • Connecting existing trails to create a wider, longer network with better linkages to community assets and popular destinations;

    • Consideration for varying modes of active transportation (cycling, walking, running, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, etc.), citizens of all ages and levels of mobility; 

    • Where to locate paved trails;

    • Exploring the need for groomed winter trail and if so, where;

    • Shared- use trails between man -powered activities and motorized activities (ATVs and Snowmobiles);

    • A feasible option for Snowmobiles to cross the Miramichi River;

    • Maximizing the use of the Miramichi River

    Who is being consulted?

    Everyone in Miramichi can participate. For the past month, the consultants have been having conversations with key stakeholders. The general public will be able to participate via this survey and by sharing their ideas in the forum section.

    How can I get involved?

    You can make your voice heard by completing the survey on this page. You can also help by sharing the link and encouraging others to participate.