Miramichi Active Transportation Plan 2021

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Welcome to the community engagement hub for the Miramichi Active Transportation Plan.

The City of Miramichi last prepared an Active Transportation Plan in 2010-2011. It is now time to revisit that plan, update it and address new concerns and initiatives which are relevant to our community today.

Miramichi is known as a community that loves the outdoors. The Miramichi River is world famous for its fishing. We have some wonderful assets when it comes to outdoor activity and, at the same time some obvious gaps exist. We are seeking your input to create a strategy that serves the wants and needs of the community while also making it more attractive to visitors and new residents.

The Active Transportation Plan will serve as a guiding document in informing future trail development and setting policies that ensure the enjoyment of the trails for all.

A few of the topics being considered in this study include:

  • Safety.

  • Connecting existing trails to create a wider, longer network with better linkages to community assets and popular destinations.

  • Consideration for varying modes of active transportation (cycling, walking, running, cross country skiing, snowshoeing, etc.), citizens of all ages and levels of mobility.

  • Where to locate paved trails.

  • Exploring the need for groomed winter trails and if so, where.

  • Shared- use trails between man-powered activities and motorized activities (ATV's and Snowmobiles).

  • A feasible option for Snowmobiles to cross the Miramichi River.

  • Maximizing the use of the Miramichi River

The Active Transportation Plan will support healthy, active living for residents of Miramichi. It will also improve connectivity, bridging the gaps between the City’s various communities and promote a more holistic community. There are many opportunities to support Miramichi’ s growing tourism industry through expansion of the Active Transportation Network. Active Transportation and healthy living are ever increasingly important factors in attracting new residents to a community.

This is your community and it is important we hear your thoughts to ensure the plan is shaped by you, for you. Please take the time to answer the survey below, post your comments and spread the word amongst your network to get more people involved.

Please also sign up to receive notification of updates as the study progresses.

Welcome to the community engagement hub for the Miramichi Active Transportation Plan.

The City of Miramichi last prepared an Active Transportation Plan in 2010-2011. It is now time to revisit that plan, update it and address new concerns and initiatives which are relevant to our community today.

Miramichi is known as a community that loves the outdoors. The Miramichi River is world famous for its fishing. We have some wonderful assets when it comes to outdoor activity and, at the same time some obvious gaps exist. We are seeking your input to create a strategy that serves the wants and needs of the community while also making it more attractive to visitors and new residents.

The Active Transportation Plan will serve as a guiding document in informing future trail development and setting policies that ensure the enjoyment of the trails for all.

A few of the topics being considered in this study include:

  • Safety.

  • Connecting existing trails to create a wider, longer network with better linkages to community assets and popular destinations.

  • Consideration for varying modes of active transportation (cycling, walking, running, cross country skiing, snowshoeing, etc.), citizens of all ages and levels of mobility.

  • Where to locate paved trails.

  • Exploring the need for groomed winter trails and if so, where.

  • Shared- use trails between man-powered activities and motorized activities (ATV's and Snowmobiles).

  • A feasible option for Snowmobiles to cross the Miramichi River.

  • Maximizing the use of the Miramichi River

The Active Transportation Plan will support healthy, active living for residents of Miramichi. It will also improve connectivity, bridging the gaps between the City’s various communities and promote a more holistic community. There are many opportunities to support Miramichi’ s growing tourism industry through expansion of the Active Transportation Network. Active Transportation and healthy living are ever increasingly important factors in attracting new residents to a community.

This is your community and it is important we hear your thoughts to ensure the plan is shaped by you, for you. Please take the time to answer the survey below, post your comments and spread the word amongst your network to get more people involved.

Please also sign up to receive notification of updates as the study progresses.

Discussions: All (1) Open (0)
  • Miramichi Active Transportation

    over 3 years ago
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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

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    If you have any other ideas to share, we invite you to leave your comments here. (The thoughts and comments left here do not necessarily represent the opinions of the consultants or the City of Miramichi. Please only leave comments that are relevant to the Active Transportation Plan).

    Replies Closed
Page last updated: 17 Aug 2021, 11:16 AM